An Open and Integrated Platform

Tired of juggling multiple tools? Virtuagym’s software integrations adapts to you, not the other way around.
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Offer Your Services To a Larger Audience

Expand your gym's reach with a Classpass and Onefit software integration and increase your potential customer base.

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More Tools To Run Your Business

Boost your business efficiency with software integrations from membership management, customer data, accounting, to payments.

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Keep Your Customers Engaged

Enhance customer connections and improve retention with our marketing integrations, loyalty programs, and gamification tools.

Book a Free Introduction Call

Discover how Virtuagym can help your fitness business boost efficiency, increase revenue, and make your members happier.

More than 9,000 businesess trust Virtuagym

More than 9,000 businesses across the world trust Virtuagym with their fitness software

Your All-in-One Fitness Software