Helping people become physically whole through technology

Daele Fitness solutions and Virtuagym work together to help people become physically whole through technology.
Two women doing exercises

The story of Daele Fitness Solutions

Daedrie Gayle is on a journey. Her personal journey not only brought her over 16 years of experience in fitness and nutrition, but it also moved her cross country from New York to Texas. There, she fights misinformation and fad diets with knowledge from her business, Daele Fitness Solutions.

In using Virtuagym’s fitness club software, Gayle’s mission is to help people become physically whole. “I teach people an understanding of what it takes to become physically healthy. There’s so much information out there these days, but it’s not one size fits all. And a lot of it is about quick diet fixes, instead of focusing on the journey.”

Features used

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Mobile Apps

Client-facing app with exercise and nutrition guidance, and an online community.

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Coaching Tools

A fitness coaching software with a workout editor, thousands of animated exercises, and progress tracking.

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Client communication

24/7 communication with clients to guide, motivate, and inspire.

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Virtuagym is exactly what I was looking for.

Daedrie Gayle - Trainer, Owner, Daele Fitness Solutions

Building the Daele Fitness platform with Virtuagym

Gayle had a vision of the service, the platform, she wanted to put out there. “I searched and tried various providers, but something was always missing. Something would spark me to dig deeper.”

In Virtuagym, she found exactly what she was looking for. Admittedly, she put her project on hold for a time, since she didn’t feel ready yet. After she made the jump, however, she was as happy as she could be.

The next step was to get up and running. Gayle was pleasantly surprised with the support: “The service level was phenomenal!”

Future-proof fitness

We live in a technological age. We’re all have our phones within reach 24/7. This was one of the main benefits for Gayle. “I can pretty do everything on my phone. It eliminates back and forth. I can show clients whatever they need using the mobile app.”

Gayle puts Virtuagym’s 3D-animated trainer at the forefront of her digital coaching services. It shows proper form and technique for thousands of exercises and is a hands-off way to guide clients when they’re not in a face-to-face session. “The app offered things that I hadn’t even thought about. Clients can choose the parts of the body they want to work on and available materials, and it gives them a filtered list of results. That’s great when they just need some guidance but not actual personal training. It allows me to offer different types of personal attention.”

In every fitness journey, steps have to be made in the kitchen as well. Gayle uses Virtuagym’s Food app to offer personalized nutrition plans to her clients. Virtuagym Food uses algorithms co-developed with nutritionists and dieticians to generate sustainable nutrition plans that can be tweaked to fit individual goals. “I’m not giving nutritional advice. The food app creates the plans and gives warnings when unhealthy changes are made.”

Connecting with clients

“I value the connection with my clients. I focus on complete lifestyle coaching, from sleep patterns to work habits to fitness and nutrition.” After starting with Virtuagym, she noticed that the apps had a huge benefit in fostering communication. “A client came to me with questions about her food intake. She was surprised about the amount of carbs in her sweet tea. So we had a conversation about food. Based on her input I was able to give directions and clear up misconceptions about macronutrients. In the end, she left with more knowledge!”

Building up a business

Since starting with Virtuagym, Gayle feels more secure in her service level. “I wanted to provide the best service possible. Before I put myself out there, I wanted to have content that would satisfy my clientele. Virtuagym helps to keep content consistent and of high quality, and always with the same professional look and feel.”

A growing personal training business stands or falls on their ability to retain clients. Happily, Gayle experienced positive benefits here as well. “I would definitely say client retention has improved. Before, I was emailing clients Excel sheets, constantly communicating through text and phone calls - there wasn’t anything tangible. My new app provides a real community that allows me to stay in constant contact with my clients.”

Gayle is hard at work to make her vision become a reality: a thriving personal training business that helps her clients on their fitness journey to build healthy habits.

Virtuagym is with her every step of the way.

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