Where to Hire Personal Trainers For Your Gym

Jun 22, 2022 - 4 min read
how you can find personal trainers

Knowing where to hire personal trainers is vital to your success as a fitness business! In this article we’ll go through some absolute musts to think about when hiring trainers, and the best places to find them.

Personal trainers are nose to the face of your fitness business. Interacting with your clients daily, ensuring they see the results they want, and encouraging them to show up consistently through constructive feedback.

If you need to hire personal trainers, the first step is knowing how to seek them out and what questions to ask to ensure the right fit for your gym.

Looking for the best qualifications


One of the first things you should look for in a personal trainer is how approachable they are. Clients appreciate someone they don’t feel intimidated by and who genuinely shows an interest in them and their needs.


Motivation is a part of achieving any goal, and fitness goals aren’t excluded.

Your ideal candidate should motivate and encourage your clients to achieve their goals and celebrate your clients’ success with them.


Sometimes being a personal trainer takes patience. It’s easy to get impatient with a client who lacks motivation or isn’t putting in the effort to achieve their goals.

That’s why patience and understanding are paramount to the success of any personal trainer.

If they’re patient with their clients, and understanding of where there are in their fitness journey, your clients will be more likely to return to your gym.


Every client has their own unique personal needs, that’s why your ideal candidate should be able to adapt and accommodate each client’s needs accordingly. Lack of accommodation can leave clients feeling frustrated with your trainers and that your gym is not the right fit for them or their needs.


Confidence is key for good personal trainers. If your clients can sense that your trainers are not confident in their knowledge and experience, this can lead to members questioning whether or not they can help them achieve their goals.

Where to Hire Personal Trainers

Now that you know what you’re looking for in a personal trainer for your gym, let’s move on to where to find them.

Your Own Website

The first one off the list should be a no-brainer. If your website or social media platforms aren’t taking advantage of their reach this would be the first step in letting potential trainers know you’re hiring and that they can apply to your business

Classified Ads

Many sites like LinkedIn or Indeed offer the option to create classified ads. These are a great way to find personal trainers if you have some budget to work with as long as you are specific in what you need for the position.

Hiring Agency

This can sometimes be the most costly, but a very hands-free way of finding the right trainer for your business. Hiring agencies are well equipped to find exactly what you are looking for and know which questions to ask to get you the right candidates for the job.

Professional Networking Sites

Professional networking websites are a great cost-free alternative to classified ads. While the easier route would be listing recruitment ads, you can take advantage of platforms like Bark , Opportunity , or others to reach out to candidates via dm or email. The benefit of using this outbound approach is that you can hand pick the candidates you think would best fit the position.

Social Media

Many personal trainers nowadays are quite active on social media like TikTok Instagram or YouTube . You can take advantage of this opportunity by looking for personal trainers in your area by messaging them if they appear to be good candidates for your business. One advantage of using this method is that you already have a video portfolio to look over before contacting them.

Fitness Expos

Fitness expos can be for much more than looking for new products and services that could benefit your business, they’re also a great way to meet and interact with personal trainers of all types in a non-interview setting so you can get a face-to-face feel for how they interact with others.

Your Extended Circle

Sometimes the best place to look is your own backyard. Many people miss out on this opportunity, but as fitness businesses, there’s a big chance we picked up some PT acquaintances along the way that would love to work with you. The benefit of doing this is that with your level of familiarity you can already know what you can expect from them.

Finding the personal trainers for your business can seem like a daunting task. Knowing how they will handle clients or if they can embody your gym’s spirit can be stressful. But knowing what you want and where to find it is always the best first step you can take, so you can feel confident moving forward and hiring the best personal trainers for your business.

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Nicolas Fisher

Nick is a Marketing Specialist with a keen eye for market introspection and relevant insights. Adept in relating to people, he often seeks ways in which we can use human relations to bring our businesses and clients closer together to create lasting bonds by using his insights and expertise in the industry.