Ultimate Guide to Boosting Your Gym's TikTok Marketing

Aug 21, 2024 - 14 min read
Tiktok for fitness businesses

Alright, let’s cut to the chase—if your gym isn’t on TikTok yet, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity to grow your brand and connect with a younger, tech-minded audience.

TikTok isn’t just a platform for dance trends and funny videos anymore; it’s a powerful tool that your fitness business can use to increase its customer base.

In this guide, I’m going to break down exactly how you can use TikTok to take your gym’s social media game to the next level.

Whether you’re a TikTok newbie or already have a few videos up, this guide will give you the strategies you need to stand out, engage your community, and turn followers into loyal gym members.

Let’s get into it!

Why TikTok?

So, why should your gym be on TikTok? Simple. It’s where your future members are hanging out.

TikTok users have grown to over 1 billion worldwide, and that number is growing every day.

That’s a huge pool of potential clients scrolling through their feeds, looking for content that inspires, educates, or simply entertains them.

And guess what? They’re spending an average of 58 minutes per day on the app.

That’s almost an hour of your target demographic’s attention up for grabs.

The Power of Short Video 📱

TikTok’s entire platform is built around short-form video.

We’re talking 15 to 60 seconds of pure, bite-sized content.

Why is this so powerful? Because attention spans are shorter than ever, and TikTok meets people where they’re at.

The trend of short videos is booming because it’s quick, digestible, and easy to consume on the go.

This isn’t just a trend; it’s the future.

Videos are taking over as the primary way people consume content, and TikTok is leading the charge.

If your gym isn’t taking advantage of this, you’re missing out on a massive opportunity to connect with your audience in a way that resonates.

Social Search is the New Google

Here’s a wild stat: new generations are using TikTok as a search engine.

Yup, you read that right.

Instead of Googling “gyms near me,” they’re searching on TikTok for gym recommendations, workout tips, and fitness inspiration.

This is a game-changer.

Your gym’s presence on TikTok isn’t just about social media—it’s about being discoverable in a whole new way.

Your Gym’s Target Demographic is Getting Younger

Let’s face it, your gym’s target demographic is shifting.

Younger generations are stepping up as your new customer base, and they’re digital natives.

They’re not just looking for a place to work out; they’re looking for a community, a fitness brand that resonates with them on a deeper level.

And where are they spending their time?

On TikTok.

If you want to stay relevant and attract this younger crowd, TikTok is the place to be.

How to Set Up a TikTok Account?

Setting up a TikTok account is way easier than you think. Let’s walk through it step-by-step.

Trust me, if you can handle sending an email or posting on Facebook, you can do this.

Download the App

First things first, you need the TikTok app.

Go to your app store (that’s either the App Store on iPhone or Google Play on Android) and search “TikTok.”

Download it, and don’t worry. It’s free—there is no need to dig out your credit card.

Sign Up or Log In

Once the app is downloaded, open it up. You’ll be greeted with a sign-up screen.

You can simply sign up using your email or phone number or even link it to other social media accounts.

Pick whichever option you’re most comfortable with. If you’re already on Facebook 24/7, just link it up. Easy peasy.

Set Up Your Profile

Now, let’s make you official. Tap on the “Me” icon at the bottom right corner—this is where your profile lives. Then, hit “Edit Profile.”

Here, you can add a profile picture (your best gym selfie, obviously), a bio (something catchy that tells people why they should follow your gym), and even link your Instagram and Facebook accounts if you have them.

Follow Some Accounts

Before you start posting, it’s a good idea to follow a few accounts to see what’s out there.

You can follow fitness influencers, other gyms, or even some fun accounts just to get a feel for what’s popular.

Plus, following people is the best way to start building your own follower base.

Start Watching and Engaging

Now comes the fun part—watching videos! Scroll through your For You page and see what amazing TikTok videos catch your eye.

Like, comment, and share videos that inspire you or that you think your future gym members would love.

This will help you get comfortable with the platform and give TikTok an idea of what kind of content you’re interested in.

And there you have it! You’re officially on TikTok, and you didn’t even break a sweat.

How to Create a TikTok Marketing Strategy?

Here’s how to create a TikTok marketing strategy that works for your gym:

Figure Out Your Goals

First things first—what are you trying to achieve with your TikTok?

Are you looking to spread awareness about your brand, sell an online fitness course, or maybe even sign up new members?

Get clear on your goals because they’ll guide every piece of fitness content you create.

For example, if your goal is to increase memberships, you might focus on showcasing your facilities, sharing testimonials, or offering exclusive TikTok-only promotions.

If it’s brand awareness, then you’ll want to tap into the latest fitness trends, fitness challenges, and content that can go viral.

Know Your Audience

Understanding your audience is crucial. Who are you trying to reach on TikTok?

Is it gym newbies, seasoned fitness enthusiasts, or maybe even a younger crowd that’s just getting into health and wellness?

The more you know about your target demographic, the better you can tailor your content to their interests and needs.

Do some research on what kind of content resonates with your audience.

Are they into quick workout tips, motivational content, or maybe behind-the-scenes looks at your gym?

The more you can align your content with what they want to see, the more engagement you’ll get.

Plan Your Content

Now that you’ve got your goals and audience down, it’s time to plan your content.

Consistency is key on TikTok, so you’ll want to create a fitness content calendar that outlines what you’re going to post and when.

Mix it up with different types of content—workout tips, challenges, member spotlights, behind-the-scenes looks, and even some fun, lighthearted content that shows off your gym’s personality in the TikTok fitness world.

And remember, TikTok loves trends. Stay on top of what’s popular and find creative ways to put your gym’s spin on it.

Engage with Your Community

TikTok isn’t just about posting content; it’s about building a community. 🧡

Engage with your followers by responding to comments, participating in challenges, and even dueting with other personal trainers.

The more you interact with your audience, the more they’ll feel connected to your gym.

Don’t forget to encourage user-generated content.

Get your members involved by asking them to share their workouts, progress, or gym experiences on TikTok.

Then, feature their content on your page to show that you value your community.

Analyze and Adjust

Like any good strategy, you’ve got to keep an eye on what’s working and what’s not.

Use TikTok’s analytics to track your performance—look at views, likes, shares, and comments to see what content is resonating with your audience.

If you notice that certain types of videos are getting more engagement, double down on those.

If something isn’t working, don’t be afraid to switch it up.

TikTok is all about experimentation, so keep testing different content types, posting times, and engagement strategies until you find what works best for your gym.

How to Grow Your TikTok in 6 Steps

1. Be Consistent

smiling personal trainers with camera filming

Let’s get one thing straight—consistency is a must. You can’t just post a video once a month and expect to blow up.

TikTok rewards those who show up regularly. But I get it, you’re running a gym, and finding time to create content can feel like just another task on your never-ending to-do list.

Here’s a tip: delegate. Have one of your personal trainers take charge of the gym’s TikTok. They’re already in the trenches, so let them capture the action.

Whether it’s a quick workout tip, a behind-the-scenes look at your classes, or just some fun, relatable gym moments, having a consistent face on your account helps build familiarity and trust.

TikTok suggests that you aim to post 1-4 times a day for maximum visibility.

2. Leverage Influencer Marketing and User-Generated Content

A group of women on stationary bikes laughing and taking a selfie together during a fitness class.

Influencers aren’t just for big brands—they can work wonders for your gym too.

Partner with local fitness influencers or even micro-influencers who already have a following in your area.

Let them take over your TikTok for a day or collaborate on a challenge that gets their followers to check out your gym.

And don’t forget about user-generated content. Encourage your members to tag your gym in their TikTok videos.

This not only boosts your visibility but also builds a sense of community. Feature their videos on your account, and suddenly, your members feel like they’re part of something bigger.

3. Add Local Tags

A woman holding and pointing at a large hashtag symbol, standing against an orange background.

Want to make sure your videos reach the right audience?

Use local tags. Adding location-based tags to your videos helps you get discovered by people in your area.

Whether it’s your city, neighborhood, or even specific local events, tagging your location ensures that your content is seen by the people most likely to walk through your doors.

4. Engage and Build a Community

A group of three people, two men and a woman, all in orange workout attire, giving thumbs up in a gym.

TikTok is all about community, so don’t just post and ghost. Engage with your followers!

Reply to comments, ask questions in your captions, and encourage people to share their thoughts.

The more you engage, the more TikTok will push your content out to others.

Run challenges, start trends, and create content that invites participation.

Maybe it’s a weekly workout challenge or a “duet with a trainer” series. The more interactive your content, the more your community will grow.

5. Use Tools to Enhance Your Content

A man in a black t-shirt working on a laptop in a modern gym, smiling confidently at the camera, with gym equipment visible in the background.

Let’s talk tools. With shorter attention spans, you’ve got to keep things snappy.

Use editing tools that allow you to switch frames quickly in your fitness videos, and add emojis, subtitles, and more.

Apps like InShot or CapCut can help you create dynamic, engaging videos that hold attention.

And don’t underestimate the power of AI. Tools like ChatGPT can help you brainstorm content ideas, write captions, or even draft scripts for your TikToks.

The easier you make the content creation process, the more consistent you can be.

Check out how you can increase your revenue by using AI tools here.

6. Keep It Human

A fitness influencer smiling and pointing at the camera while holding a yoga mat, recording a video in a minimalist space.

People follow people, not companies. Your gym’s TikTok should feel human, relatable, and real.

Show the faces behind the brand—staff, members, and even yourself as the lead fitness professional.

Share stories, tips, and advice that provide value.

Whether it’s a quick tip on improving form or a motivational pep talk, make sure your content adds something to your viewers’ day.

Types of Content Gyms Can Post On TikTok

So, what exactly should your gym be posting on TikTok? The possibilities are endless, but let’s break it down into some content types that not only grab attention but also keep people coming back for more.

Quick Workout Tips

workout tips and fitness challenges fitness content ideas for personal trainers

TikTok loves actionable content, and what’s more actionable than a quick workout routines?

Share short, digestible advice on effective workout routines that your audience can try right away.

Think “how to perfect your squat form in 15 seconds” or “3 stretches to improve flexibility.”

These bite-sized tips are easy to consume, and they position your gym as a go-to resource for fitness knowledge.


personal training filming fitness content

People love a peek behind the curtain. Give your audience a look at what goes on in your gym when the lights aren’t on.

Maybe it’s a day in the life of one of your trainers, a sneak peek of a new class you’re launching, or even a quick tour of your facility.

This type of content makes your gym feel more approachable and relatable.

Member Success Stories

Two women in a gym high-fiving each other, both smiling and enjoying the workout, with gym equipment in the background.

Showcasing your members’ progress is powerful.

Share their transformation stories, celebrate their milestones, and let them tell their own fitness journey to inspire others.

Not only does this inspire your audience, but it also builds a sense of community and motivates others to join in.

Plus, it shows that your gym is all about helping people achieve their goals.

Two women high-fiving each other while holding a plank position during a fitness challenge in a spacious, well-lit gym.

TikTok is all about trends and challenges, so jump on board!

Whether it’s a viral fitness challenge or one you create yourself, getting involved in trending content can boost your visibility.

For example, challenge your members to a “30-day plank challenge” and encourage them to document their progress.

The more people participate, the more your gym’s brand spreads across the platform.

Trainer Tips and Tricks

fitness business filming fitness content

Your personal training experts—show them off! Have them share their favorite exercises, debunk fitness myths, or give advice on common gym mistakes.

Not only does this position your gym as an authority in the fitness space, but it also gives your trainers a platform to connect with members and potential clients on a deeper level.

Fun and Relatable Content

fitness business woman laughing about fitness content from fitness brand

Fitness doesn’t always have to be serious. Inject some humor and personality into your content.

Post funny gym moments, relatable fitness struggles, or light-hearted skits that poke fun at gym stereotypes.

The goal here is to entertain while keeping your audience engaged.

Remember, TikTok is a platform where personality shines, so don’t be afraid to let loose a little.

Live Workouts and Q&A Sessions

A woman in a yellow top smiling and waving while live streaming on Instagram from her smartphone.

Going live on TikTok is a fantastic way to engage with your audience in real time.

Host live workout sessions that viewers can join in from home, or run a Q&A session where your trainers answer fitness-related questions.

This kind of interactive content not only boosts engagement but also builds a stronger connection with your followers.

Highlight Special Events

personal trainers smiling

Hosting a special event at your gym? Make sure to capture it for TikTok!

Whether it’s a fitness competition, a charity workout, or a member appreciation day, these events provide great content opportunities.

Highlight the energy, the community vibe, and the fun atmosphere to show potential members what they’re missing out on.

The Best Time to Post on TikTok

While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all timing (wouldn’t that be nice?), there are some key times that tend to perform better across the board.

According to the data gathered by Buffer, the best times to post on TikTok are:

  • Tuesday at 4 PM
  • Friday at 8 AM
  • Sunday at 2 PM

These time slots are when engagement tends to peak, giving your content a better shot at reaching more viewers.

But keep in mind, that TikTok’s audience is unique—53% of users in the U.S. are under 25, and 20% are under 18.

This means their schedules aren’t as tied to traditional working hours, making TikTok engagement patterns a bit less predictable than platforms like Instagram.

How to Find Your Best Posting Time

The key is to experiment. Start by posting during these peak hours and then check your analytics to see when your videos are getting the most views and engagement.

TikTok Pro accounts (which are free, by the way) offer insights into when your followers are most active. Use that data to fine-tune your posting schedule.

Also, think about the type of content you’re posting. If you’re sharing a high-energy workout routine, posting it in the morning might resonate more with people looking to get hyped for their day.

On the other hand, meal prep tips or recovery tips might do better in the evening when people are winding down.

Consistency Beats Timing

While finding the best time to post is important, consistency is even more crucial.

The TikTok algorithm loves regular posters. So, once you’ve found your sweet spot, stick to it.

Whether it’s early morning, late evening, or somewhere in between, make sure you’re showing up at those times consistently.

And remember, even if you post at an off-peak time,

TikTok’s algorithm unlike other social media platforms is known for giving content a second wind.

So don’t stress too much—if your content is good, it’ll find its audience eventually.


So, there you have it—a complete roadmap to growing your gym’s TikTok presence.

Remember, TikTok isn’t just another social media platform; it’s a powerful tool to connect with a younger, engaged audience who could become your next loyal members.

The key is consistency, creativity, and staying true to your gym’s unique vibe. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different content, engage with your followers, and most importantly, have fun with it.

The more authentic and human your TikToks feel the more they’ll resonate with your audience.

Now, get out there, start creating, and watch your gym’s TikTok take off!

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Melanie Verbueken

Melanie Verbueken is een specialist in de fitnessbranche. Ze is letterlijk opgegroeid in een sportschool en weet hoe het is om een sportschool te managen met alles wat daarbij komt kijken. Met haar eigen fitnessmarketingbureau werkt ze voor en met diverse fitnessondernemingen. Haar kennis en ervaring op het gebied van ondernemen, innovaties en marketing in de fitnessbranche deelt ze met ons.