
The Ultimate Fitness Mix For Your Gym
Attract new clients with a fitness mix. Discover the advantages of an outdoor and online offering for your gym and clients.

Wearables As a Long-Term Hybrid Business Strategy
As digital and real-life are more intertwined than ever, it’s up to fitness operators to maximize on the digital habits of their clients and integrate wearables into their long-term hybrid strategy.

Half The Effort, Double The Impact: How To Maximize Employee Wellbeing
Discover the best practices for HR professionals to maximize your employee wellbeing with a time-saving software solution.

How to Scale Your Fitness Franchise and Become a Master Franchisor
James Cotton shares his experience on how to scale your fitness franchise and finding success as a franchisor. Learn more by joining our biweekly FitNation podcast!

How to Build Outstanding Fitness Experiences
Tom Skyrme tells all about the importance of personalization, hybrid business models, and why building outstanding fitness experiences is essential.

Health and Fitness in the Post-COVID Era and Preventive Health Care
Fitness and health have changed post-COVID - preventive health is essential now. How can you change from a health club into a health hub?

Buying or Leasing Fitness Equipment: What Works Best For Your Gym?
To buy or to lease fitness equipment? What works for your gym? Find out everything you need to know to make the right decision!

The Importance of a Hybrid Health and Wellness Solution for Hybrid Workplaces
Employees are happier, healthier, and more productive in a hybrid workplace with a matching hybrid corporate health and wellness program. Discover the benefits for your business and teams!

Effective Lead Generation for Gyms
Steffie Bryant from GymSales Software shares her insights about how to effectively generate leads as a gym, prospecting leads, and the importance of touchpoints.

Boost Member Retention with Your Own Branded Mobile App
By launching a custom mobile app, your clients will immediately recognize your brand and are able to book classes directly while you focus on what matters: client retention.

How to Start and Manage Corporate Wellness Programs
Discover how to create engaging health routines for the workplace and successfully manage corporate health programs with FRESH! Wellness Group CEO Tim Borys

The Challenges of Starting a Fitness Business (And How to Solve Them)
Discover the best tips to successfully run a fitness business by turning the greatest challenges into opportunities for growth and success.

Financial Planning for a Successful Personal Training Business
Starting a personal training business requires more than just knowledge about fitness. You obviously also need to start considering finances and management. It's time to do the math and calculate your costs and pricing to estimate possible profit and start a structured and efficient business. The last thing you want is to destroy your dreams because of poor budgeting!

How to Attract and Retain Top Talent with Your Company's Employee Wellness Program
Top talent is hard to come by, so how do attract and retain them at your company? A robust corporate health and wellness program might be the answer you're looking for.

Top 10 Retention Strategies to Avoid
Dr. Paul Bedford, also known as the fitness industry's very own Retention Guru, joins us to shine a light on the top 10 retentions strategies to avoid!

How to decide on gym membership pricing when reopening
The pandemic left many fitness businesses struggling financially. So what's the best pricing strategy for gym memberships without losing your clients and attracting new ones?

Ageism and politics in the fitness industry
David Minton talks about how he sees the road back to normal, as well as the role of politics within fitness, and ageism in the industry.

Online tools to give your fitness club a financial boost
Time for a change! Create new revenue models and give your club a financial boost by using the following features

7 ways to promote livestream classes and workout videos online
Livestream classes and online workout videos are the perfect tools to engage with your fitness community. Learn how to promote your business on social media.

5 Tips To Keep Your Client's Data Safe
We rode a wave of digitization during the pandemic, but with big data comes big responsibility. How do you keep your client's data and your fitness business safe?

Boost your Studio's Occupancy Rate in the Post-COVID Era
How to prepare your studio for reopening with Virtuagym's check-in and scheduling features

Effective Communication Tips And Strategies For Gyms
The need for clear communication for fitness providers has never been more important: both for clients and teams. Discover the top tips for an effective communication strategy for your gym!

How (and why) to work out your Customer Acquisition Cost
Do you know what your gym's Customer Acquisition Cost is? And the Lifetime Value of your fitness clients? How do you even find out? Jamie Owens, director of Fitness Partnerships at Hussle, explains.

How to get your older clients back into the gym
They are the most frequent gym-goers, but older clients might be the most reluctant to return to in-facility fitness after COVID and recent rapid digitization. Here's how to welcome them back!

How To Become The Best Leader For Your Business
Lindsey Rainwater talks about personal branding, creating a culture of success and empowering your team - everything you need to become the best leader for your business!

How do you restart the billing process?
Finally! Gyms are allowed to reopen. Make sure that you haven’t forgotten to restart your billing process to accept payments from your new and returning members!

Does an Employee Wellness Program Contribute to Your Company’s Financial Health?
We explore how an employee wellness program translates into financial benefits for your organization while being advantageous for your workforce.

How to Build an Outdoor Fitness Station: The Professional Way
Here's how to build an outdoor fitness station that is professional, scalable, and also reflects your brand identity every step of the way.

How to Build a Cheap Outdoor Gym Station
Outdoor fitness classes are on the rise. Here's how to build a cheap outdoor gym station to cater to your clients while on a budget!

The Secret to Being the Ultimate Personal Trainer
Meet James Lorey and Aaron McCulloch from Your Personal Training UK and get insider tips on how to be a successful personal trainer.

Gyms Are Reopening in the UK – Here's What You Need to Know
A complete guide to when are gyms reopening in England, as well as insight on gym reopening in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

Everything You Need to Know About How to Start an Outdoor Fitness Class
How to start an outdoor fitness class? We take you back to basics in this blog on all you need to know about training clients outdoors.

The Benefits of Automated Payments: Make Life Easier
Make never-ending invoicing history with Virtuagym’s automated payments feature. Find out how it works!

7 Ways Personal Trainers Can Increase Client Motivation
Have you ever had trouble finding the inspiration to motivate your clients? We’ve collected some of the best ways to help you increase client motivation.