The ultimate guide to LinkedIn personal trainer Marketing

Oct 1, 2024 - 10 min read
personal trainer linkedin marketing

If you’re a personal trainer, LinkedIn might not be the first place you think of to grow your business. But here’s the thing – it should be.

While Instagram, TikTok, and other social media platforms are great for quick videos and workout tips, LinkedIn is where you can build credibility, network with professionals, and actually land clients who are serious about investing in their health.

It’s like the hidden gem of the social media world for trainers.

In this guide, I’m going to show you exactly how to level up your LinkedIn game and turn it into a client-attracting machine. Let’s dive in!

Why you should use LinkedIn as a personal trainer

LinkedIn has over 875 million users globally.

This gives you access to a vast demographic where you can find your ideal clients.

Here are other reasons why you should be using LinkedIn.

You can network and collaborate with other fitness professionals

Building strong connections is crucial in the fitness industry, and LinkedIn offers an amazing opportunity to do just that.

On this platform, you’ll find gym owners, fellow personal trainers, and even fitness influencers who are open to collaboration.

Imagine hosting joint events, running cross-promotions, or even creating a local fitness network that allows you to share resources and clients.

The professional connections you make within your LinkedIn network can help you scale your personal training business in ways that Instagram or TikTok can’t offer.

Whether it’s brainstorming with a fellow trainer or partnering up for a corporate fitness program, LinkedIn helps you grow your network and elevate your business. 🤝

Your ideal target audience uses LinkedIn

While you might be tempted to focus solely on Instagram or Facebook, many business professionals—people who are committed to their health—are active on LinkedIn.

These are busy individuals who understand the value of investing in their well-being.

On LinkedIn, you have direct access to professionals who are not only willing to invest in personal training but are also often interested in premium services like one-on-one coaching or exclusive group sessions.

This audience, which includes your ideal clients, is looking for solutions to balance a hectic work life with staying healthy, and that’s where you come in.

You can tap into corporate fitness

Corporate wellness is booming, and LinkedIn is the perfect place to make those valuable business connections.

Companies are increasingly focused on the health and well-being of their employees, and they’re willing to invest in fitness programs that can help boost productivity and reduce absenteeism.

By positioning yourself as a personal trainer who offers corporate wellness solutions, you can score big.

Not only will you be able to work with entire companies instead of individual clients, but you’ll also establish yourself as a serious player in the industry.

Offering group classes, workshops, or even personalized fitness plans for businesses could dramatically increase your reach and revenue. 🚀

Build a reputation as a local expert

Want to be the go-to personal trainer in your area? LinkedIn is the perfect place to establish yourself as the expert people think of when it comes to fitness.

By consistently sharing client success stories, posting helpful fitness tips, and providing educational content across LinkedIn and other social media sites, you’ll stand out from the competition.

You won’t just be a personal trainer—you’ll be the fitness expert in your community, and that’s powerful.

When people in your area need advice on health and fitness, they’ll think of you first because they’ve seen your expertise time and time again on LinkedIn.

Optimize your LinkedIn profile with these 6 tips

Your LinkedIn profile is often the first impression potential clients and collaborators will have of you.

If you want to grow your presence as a personal trainer, it’s essential to make sure your profile stands out and represents your brand in the best possible way through effective social media marketing.

Here’s how to optimize your LinkedIn profile with these 6 tips:

#1 Make a strong first impression with photos 📸

Woman in gym, smiling and holding a phone, representing an active fitness trainer.

Your profile photo is the first thing people notice. Make sure it’s professional but also showcases your approachable and energetic side as a personal trainer.

A great idea is to use a smiling headshot or an action shot of you training or coaching a client.

Pro tip: A colored border around your profile picture can make you stand out even more.

Don’t forget the background photo! This space can reflect your personality and your brand.

You could use an image of you leading a training session, an inspiring fitness quote, or anything that highlights your unique approach to fitness.

#2 Choose a personal account on LinkedIn

Graphic comparing LinkedIn personal vs. company accounts, recommending personal for trainers.

Opt for a personal LinkedIn account rather than a business page. This allows you to create deeper, more personal connections with your audience.

Tell your story.

Why did you become a personal trainer? What drives you? How do you help your clients achieve their fitness goals?

A personal profile helps you build trust and shows that you’re passionate about what you do, making people more likely to engage with you.

#3 Write a headline that captures attention

LinkedIn profile of a personal trainer from Conejo Fitness with a barbell logo and headshot.

our headline is one of the most important parts of your LinkedIn profile. It’s the first text people see, so make it count!

Be clear about who you are, your job title, and who you help. A specific, attention-grabbing headline can make all the difference.

Instead of a simple “Personal Trainer,” try something like:

  • Personal Trainer in [City] | Helping Busy Professionals Get Fit”
  • Specialist in 1-on-1 Coaching for 40+ in [City]
  • Helping 30+ Professionals Become Stronger and Healthier in [City]

This way, you immediately communicate your expertise and target audience, helping potential clients feel more connected.

#4 Customize your LinkedIn URL for a professional look

Your LinkedIn URL should be as professional as your profile.

Instead of a random string of numbers, customize your URL to something easy to remember, like or

This looks more professional and makes it easier for people to find and connect with you.

LinkedIn profile of a personal trainer from Conejo Fitness with a barbell logo and headshot.

The featured section of your LinkedIn profile is prime real estate for showcasing your results.

This is where you can highlight your best work, whether it’s client transformations, video testimonials, or success stories.

People love seeing real results.

Show potential clients what you can do by sharing success stories and fitness transformations you’ve been part of.

This will build trust and prove your ability to deliver results for fitness clients.

#6 Engage regularly for maximum impact

Engagement is key on LinkedIn for building relationships. Don’t just post and disappear.

Respond to comments on your posts, engage with your connections, and be active in conversations.

The more you engage with others, the more likely they’ll engage with you.

It also helps increase your visibility in the LinkedIn algorithm, meaning more people will see your content.

Private messages can be a goldmine for leads, too.

Respond quickly and thoughtfully to any direct messages, as people are often more comfortable discussing their needs privately.

By actively interacting with your audience, you’re showing that you’re approachable, engaged, and ready to help.

LinkedIn content strategy for personal trainers

An effective content strategy is key to unlocking new connections, building credibility, and converting followers into personal training clients.

Sporadic posts won’t cut it—you need consistency and a well-thought-out approach to stay visible.

Here’s what you need to do:

linkedin marketing personal trainers

LinkedIn thrives on relevance and conversation, so staying updated on fitness trends is crucial.

Engage your followers by discussing timely topics and sharing your take on them.

For instance:

  • New training methods: Share insights from the latest research on fitness techniques or tools.
  • Mental health and exercise: Highlight the growing connection between mental well-being and physical activity, especially for busy professionals.

Staying topical shows that you not only know fitness but also stay updated on industry changes, making you a trusted voice in your network.

Share valuable, personal content

The era of generic fitness quotes is over. LinkedIn users crave authenticity and actionable advice.

By sharing your personal experiences and insights, you build a deeper connection with your audience.

Consider posting about:

  • Personalized training methods: Share how you customize programs for different clients.
  • Your journey: Talk about how you got into fitness, what motivates you, and the hurdles you’ve overcome.
  • Motivation tips: Explain how you keep clients on track, even during tough times.

Real stories and advice help you build trust and make you more relatable to potential clients.

Visual content does well

Graphic showing LinkedIn post dimensions for square, portrait, and landscape formats with pixel sizes.

While LinkedIn is more text-focused than other platforms, visuals are still powerful.

Posts with eye-catching images, slideshows, or videos tend to grab attention and get more engagement.

Here’s how you can make the most of visuals:

  • Workouts in action: Share images or short clips of training sessions, highlighting proper form or techniques.
  • Before-and-after photos: These can be great for showcasing client success stories.
  • Infographics: Create simple, shareable graphics on fitness tips or nutrition advice.

Keep these in mind when formatting visuals:

  • Portrait images: 1080 x 1350 pixels
  • Square images: 1200 x 1200 pixels
  • Links to websites/blogs: 1200 x 627 pixels

Tip: Place any website or blog links in the first comment to avoid LinkedIn suppressing your post’s reach.

Structure of your LinkedIn posts

LinkedIn post from a personal trainer with a video of clients exercising, offering training services.

Grabbing attention starts with a strong hook—that first line must make people stop scrolling.

Whether it’s a provocative question or a bold statement, your opening line sets the tone for the entire post.

Keep these tips in mind:

  • Concise and scannable: Use short paragraphs, bullet points, and plenty of white space to make posts easy to read.
  • Engage with your audience: End posts with a question or prompt to encourage interaction.

Here are a few post ideas:

  1. Nutrition Tips: “Struggling with meal planning? Here are 3 simple ways to stay on track with your fitness goals!”
  2. Debunking Myths: “Do you really need to train every day for optimal results? Let’s settle this fitness myth once and for all.”
  3. Injury Prevention: “Want to avoid injuries while training? Try these three tips today!”
  4. Mental Health & Fitness: “Did you know exercise can dramatically improve your mental well-being? Here’s how.”

Hashtags and keywords

Woman pointing at a hashtag symbol on an orange background, representing hashtag use in social media.

Keywords and hashtags are essential for increasing your visibility on LinkedIn.

Relevant terms like “strength training” or “fitness coaching” help the algorithm show your content to the right people.

When using hashtags, keep it simple:

  • Local reach: Use city-specific hashtags like #PersonalTrainer{YourCity}.
  • Fitness-focused: Stick to popular fitness tags like #StrengthTraining or #HealthyLifestyle.

Three hashtags per post is usually enough to stay effective without overloading your content.

Finally, don’t forget to optimize your LinkedIn profile with relevant keywords in your summary, experience, and skills.

This helps potential clients find you when they search for personal trainers.

The best times to post on LinkedIn

Graphic showing best times to post on LinkedIn: 10 a.m. to 12 p.m., Tuesday to Thursday, avoid weekends.

To reach more people and grow your connections, timing is crucial.

According to Sproutsocial, the ideal time to post on LinkedIn is between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. on weekdays, especially Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.

These are the days when professionals are more engaged, browsing through LinkedIn for ideas, insights, and networking opportunities.

Avoid weekends—Saturdays and Sundays are typically quiet on LinkedIn.

People tend to disconnect from their professional networks during these days to focus on personal activities.

By posting during peak engagement times, you maximize the chances of your posts getting seen, liked, and shared by your target audience.

Use smart tools for LinkedIn

You don’t need to manage your LinkedIn growth manually.

There are tools that can help streamline the process and enhance your profile.

  • AuthoredUp: This tool helps you format your LinkedIn posts to make them more visually appealing. Use bold text, bullet points, and emojis to make your content stand out in a crowded feed.
  • Scheduling Tools: Use LinkedIn’s native scheduling feature or tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to plan your posts in advance. This allows you to post at peak times, even if you’re busy with clients.
  • Canva: If you’re sharing visual content, Canva can help you design eye-catching graphics and infographics to accompany your fitness tips and insights.

Using these tools ensures that you not only post consistently but also that your posts look professional and polished, helping you attract the attention of potential clients and partners.


Growing your LinkedIn as a personal trainer isn’t that complicated, but it does require consistency, authenticity, and a bit of strategy.

Show up regularly, engage with your audience, share valuable content, and build real connections.

Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there – whether it’s sharing your fitness tips, client success stories, or simply showing a bit of your personality.

LinkedIn is all about networking and positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your niche. Stick with it, stay patient, and watch your business grow.

Let’s get after it!

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Melanie Verbueken

Melanie Verbueken is a specialist in the fitness industry. She literally grew up in a gym and knows what it's like to manage a gym and everything that entails. With her own fitness marketing agency, she works for and with various fitness companies. She shares her knowledge and experience in the field of entrepreneurship, innovations and marketing in the fitness industry with us.