The complete guide to LinkedIn gym marketing

Oct 21, 2024 - 14 min read
Linkedin for gym owners Fitness marketing guide

If you’ve been sleeping on LinkedIn for your gym, you’re missing out.


While most gym owners are focused on other social media platforms like Instagram or TikTok, LinkedIn is the dark horse that can help you connect with other professionals, build a stronger network, and grow your fitness marketing in ways you might not expect.

It’s not just for job seekers anymore – it’s where decision-makers hang out, and if you play your cards right, you can leverage this to attract fitness clients, build partnerships, and establish your gym as a go-to spot.

Ready to see how?

Let’s dive in!

Why LinkedIn?

I know what you’re thinking—LinkedIn is that boring, suit-and-tie platform for job seekers, right?

But here’s the thing: LinkedIn is actually one of the most underrated platforms for gym owners.

Everyone’s busy chasing likes on Instagram or Facebook, but LinkedIn?

It’s like a hidden gem where you can really shine, especially if you’re serious about growing your business.

LinkedIn has over 1 billion members in more than 200 countries, providing a vast network of potential clients and partners.

Local Authority

Do you want to be known as the go-to fitness expert in your area? LinkedIn is perfect for that.

By sharing success stories, educational content, fitness tips, and expert advice, you’re not just another gym in town—you’re the fitness authority.

And when people trust you as an expert, they’re more likely to come through your doors.

Corporate Partnerships

This is where LinkedIn sets itself apart.

Forget about trying to sell one membership at a time. How about locking in deals with entire companies?

92% of employees say it’s important to be part of an organization that values their well-being.

Use this trend to offer corporate wellness programs or bulk membership packages, and watch your revenue shoot up.

Businesses are all about promoting employee health these days, and you can be the solution they need.

Access to the Business Market

Think about it. LinkedIn is packed with professionals who are already motivated to take care of themselves.

They’re busy, sure, but they also get the importance of their health.

By tapping into this market, you can attract clients who are ready to invest in their health, no questions asked.

Networking Opportunities

LinkedIn is built for networking.

Want to connect with other gym owners, personal trainers, or even fitness influencers?

It’s all just a message away.

Whether you’re looking for collaborations, new business ideas, or even investors, LinkedIn opens up a world of opportunities you won’t find on Instagram or TikTok.

So yeah, LinkedIn might not have the flashy photos and hashtags, but it’s a great place for gym owners who know how to use it.

How To Set Up A LinkedIn Profile?

First things first, let’s talk about what you should focus on when setting up your LinkedIn profile.

Focus on a Personal Account, NOT a Business Account

You’re building a personal brand here, and people want to connect with YOU, not some faceless company account.

When it comes to the fitness industry, personal connections drive trust and engagement. Think of it like being a personal trainer.

Would your clients rather get to know you or just see the name of your gym? Exactly.

Personal Account vs Company Account

A comparison of LinkedIn company and personal accounts, with a red cross over the company account and a green checkmark over the personal account.

While a company account has its perks, it’s nowhere near as effective when it comes to building genuine relationships.

A personal account allows you to share your journey, your thoughts, your services, and, most importantly, your authentic self.

This is key to getting more eyeballs on your profile and turning those views into leads. Having a personal account benefits you in the long run.

Strong Headline

LinkedIn profile of Matt Cruz, gym owner and personal trainer, with a headline

This is where you hook people.

Your headline should scream, “This is my job title, and this is how I can help you.” It’s the first thing people see after your name, so make it count!

Think of your LinkedIn headline like the tagline on your gym’s website, but focused on you as a professional.

You want it to clearly communicate your region and the specific audience you serve. This makes your expertise relevant to the local community and helps potential clients understand if you’re the right fit for them.

For example:

  • “Helping 30+ locals in {city name} get stronger, fitter, and healthier – one workout at a time 💪”
  • “Gym owner in {city name} | Empowering 30+ professionals to reclaim their fitness and well-being”
  • “Passionate about transforming the health of 30+ individuals in {city name} through personalized training and community support”

Make sure your location is clear, so people know you’re their local expert, and define the specific group you’re targeting to connect more effectively with your audience.

Simple, powerful, and straight to the point!

Profile Photo + Cover Photo: Make a Strong First Impression

A LinkedIn profile of Matt Cruz, gym owner at Matt’s Fitness Hub, with a profile photo of him smiling in a gym setting.

Your profile photo should strike the perfect balance between professional and approachable.

Since you’re in the fitness industry, choose an image where you look both fit and friendly—no need for a suit and tie.

This isn’t corporate; you want to appear relatable, knowledgeable, and confident in your field.

For your cover photo, don’t overlook this golden opportunity to visually represent your gym.

A high-quality shot of your gym in action—clients working out, your space filled with energy—will instantly communicate what you’re all about, no words needed.

And if you really want to stand out, consider adding a bold, colored border around your profile photo. It’s a simple trick that catches the eye and makes your profile pop!

Personalize Your LinkedIn URL

A LinkedIn public profile settings page with an arrow pointing to the option to edit the custom URL for the profile.

Customizing your LinkedIn URL is a quick and easy way to instantly elevate your profile’s professionalism.

Instead of the default URL LinkedIn assigns, you can create something streamlined, like or

It not only looks more polished, but it also makes your profile easier to find and share.

Whether you’re promoting yourself or your fitness business, a clean and simple URL adds that extra touch of professionalism.

Showcase Your Best Work in the LinkedIn Features Section

A LinkedIn post by gym owner Matt Cruz showcasing a client’s fitness transformation with a trainer assisting her in a lunge position.

LinkedIn’s Features section is your chance to show what you’re all about, so don’t miss the opportunity to highlight your best work.

Use this space to showcase your gym’s most impressive transformations, glowing client testimonials, or even engaging videos of your fitness classes. This is where you can truly bring your expertise to life.

People want to see the results you deliver—the real proof that you can help them reach their fitness goals. It’s all about visual impact, so make it count!

Monitor and Respond to Interactions on Your LinkedIn Content

Whenever someone likes, comments, or shares your content, engage with them. Respond to comments with genuine conversation, ask follow-up questions, or simply thank them for their thoughts.

Companies that respond to their audience on LinkedIn see a 2x higher engagement rate.

It makes people feel valued, and it keeps the conversation going, which can lead to stronger connections.

And don’t forget to monitor your DMs. Sometimes people are more comfortable reaching out privately rather than commenting on your posts.

Be prompt and polite in your responses.

You never know—today’s LinkedIn message could turn into tomorrow’s new gym member.

This is how you turn LinkedIn interactions into real-world business results—by being active and responsive. So, don’t just post and ghost. Stay engaged and watch your gym community grow.

Content Strategy for LinkedIn

A gym owner surrounded by the community

To build a strong presence on LinkedIn and connect with your target audience, here’s a content strategy that will help you engage, grow, and convert followers into clients:

Create and Share Original Content on LinkedIn

To boost your gym’s presence on LinkedIn, it’s all about being seen—and standing out.

The key to this? Original content. Nobody wants to scroll past the same generic posts that have been shared a hundred times.

Focus on your unique voice. Share fresh insights on fitness, success stories from your clients, educational posts, behind-the-scenes moments, and even your take on industry trends.

The goal is to let your passion for fitness shine through and make your content authentic.

It’s also important to keep it personal. If you use tools like ChatGPT or other AI, make sure the message is still uniquely yours—people can spot impersonal, generic content a mile away.

Add your personal touch to everything you post to keep it genuine, engaging, and relatable.

Maintain a Professional Yet Engaging Presence on LinkedIn

LinkedIn may be more professional than other platforms, but that doesn’t mean your content has to be stiff or dull. It’s about striking a balance—showing you’re an expert while remaining approachable and relatable.

Think of your posts as conversations. You want people to think, “Wow, they know their stuff, and they’re someone I can connect with!”

Be friendly, ask questions, and always respond to comments. LinkedIn loves engagement, and the more you interact, the more visible your profile becomes.

Remember, it’s not a TED Talk—keep it professional, but don’t be afraid to let your personality shine through!

Adhere to the 80-20 Rule with Your Posts

You don’t want every post to scream, “Come sign up at my gym!” That’s where the 80-20 rule becomes essential.

Focus 80% of your content on delivering value-driven posts—think fitness tips, success stories, and motivational advice.

The other 20%? That’s your opportunity to promote your gym, share offers, or highlight services.

By following this method, you build trust and position yourself as a go-to resource, making people more likely to engage with your promotional content.

When your audience feels that you’re genuinely there to help, not just sell, they’re much more open to becoming clients.

Structure LinkedIn Post

Also, remember that on LinkedIn, your first sentence is the most important—it’s your hook! If it doesn’t catch attention, the rest of your post won’t even get read.

Keep your paragraphs short, use plenty of white space, and ensure your content is easy to scan. This format improves readability and makes sure your message gets across quickly.

Here are some examples of LinkedIn post ideas:

  • Fitness Tips Post
    • Hook: “Struggling to stay consistent with your workouts? Here’s how to fix it!”
    • Share three practical tips to keep people motivated and consistent in their fitness routine.
    • End with a call to action: “What’s your go-to tip for staying consistent? Let me know in the comments!”
  • Success Story Post
    • Hook: “Meet Sarah, one of our clients who lost 10kg in just 6 months—here’s how she did it!”
    • Briefly tell Sarah’s story, focusing on her goals, the process, and the result.
    • Include a client testimonial or before-and-after photo.
    • End with: “Ready for your own transformation? Let’s chat!”
  • Behind-the-Scenes Post
    • Hook: “Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at our gym?”
    • Share photos or a short description of your daily routine, staff interactions, or how you prep for a busy day.
    • Engage with: “We love what we do! What does your day look like behind the scenes?”
  • Industry Insights Post
    • Hook: “Here’s why functional fitness is the future of training.”
    • Break down current fitness trends or new techniques you’re seeing in the industry.
    • End with a question to engage readers: “Have you tried functional fitness? Share your thoughts!”
  • Promotional Post (20%)
    • Hook: “Ready to crush your fitness goals in 2024? Here’s how we can help!”
    • Highlight your gym’s latest offer, membership deal, or class promotion.
    • End with a strong call to action: “Sign up now and start your transformation!”

Choose the Right Types of Posts for LinkedIn

Not all posts are created equal—especially on LinkedIn. It’s not Instagram or Facebook, so your approach needs to be more value-driven, as the audience here is looking for professional insights and actionable takeaways.

Here’s what works best on LinkedIn:

  • Success Stories: Share real-life transformations from your gym. This adds credibility and inspiration, showing your results in action.
  • Industry Insights: Offer tips on fitness trends, workout routines, or share insights that your audience will find valuable and educational.
  • Behind-the-Scenes: Give people a peek into the daily operations of your gym. Showcase your team, the culture, and what makes your gym stand out from the rest.

And don’t forget: photos and carousels work exceptionally well on LinkedIn! Carousels—uploaded as PDFs—are a fantastic way to present multiple slides of information, such as step-by-step guides or client success stories. These posts tend to get more engagement and can keep people interacting with your content longer.

While videos aren’t as effective on LinkedIn, high-quality images make a big impact.

  • LinkedIn post image size: 1200 x 1200 (square), 1080 x 1350 (portrait).
  • Blog post link image size: 1200 x 627.

You can also share links to your website, but be aware that LinkedIn’s algorithm doesn’t favor posts that encourage users to leave the platform.

A common workaround is placing the link in the comments instead of the main post. This way, you still drive traffic without negatively affecting your post’s visibility.

Enhance Visibility Using Industry-Specific Keywords & Hashtags

Visibility is everything. You could craft the most engaging post, but if no one sees it, it’s wasted effort. To make sure your content gets noticed, you need to use industry-specific keywords and local hashtags strategically.

Focus on keywords that resonate with your target audience and fit the content you’re sharing. Terms like “strength training,” “functional fitness,” or “hypertrophy” help LinkedIn’s algorithm understand who should see your content, but don’t stop there.

Local hashtags are where you can really shine. People aren’t actively searching for a gym on LinkedIn, but they are connecting with local businesses, professionals, and communities.

Use hashtags like #FitnessIn{CityName}, #HealthGoals{CityName}, or #GymLife{CityName} to position your posts in front of the local crowd.

This isn’t just about throwing fitness buzzwords around; it’s about being visible where it matters most—locally and within your industry. These hashtags are your free ticket to get in front of the right audience without paying for ads!

Stick to a maximum of three hashtags per post. Too many hashtags can dilute your reach and look cluttered. Keep it simple and focused!

Make Use of Tools

To maximize your efforts, use the right tools. You don’t need to do everything manually—let technology do the heavy lifting.

  • AuthoredUp: This tool helps you write, edit, and format LinkedIn posts like a pro. It’s great if you want your posts to stand out visually and grammatically.
  • Schedule Your LinkedIn Posts for Peak Activity Times: Don’t just post whenever you feel like it. Timing is everything. LinkedIn has built-in tools that help you schedule posts for when your audience is most active. Make sure you’re hitting those peak times to boost engagement.
  • ChatGPT: Yup, even AI can help. Use it to brainstorm post ideas, refine your content, or even generate drafts. But make sure the final product has your voice.

And if you’re looking for an extra boost…

  • Use LinkedIn Automation Tools: There are plenty out there to help with post-scheduling, lead generation, and more. Just be cautious about which tools you use—LinkedIn can be a bit strict with third-party software.

Find out how you can use AI to boost your gym’s revenue here.

LinkedIn Networking Strategy

The networking in Linkedin is key

Networking on LinkedIn isn’t just about racking up connections—it’s about building genuine relationships that can benefit your gym in meaningful ways.

As a gym owner, networking is essential for expanding your reach and creating valuable partnerships within your local community.

Here’s why LinkedIn networking is so important for gym owners:

1. Building Partnerships with Health Professionals

  • Establish connections with physiotherapists, doctors, and nutritionists who can refer clients to your gym. These professionals often work with people who need fitness support as part of their rehabilitation or health goals.
  • By creating partnerships with health experts, you can position your gym as a trusted space for clients seeking more than just a workout, but a holistic approach to their well-being.

2. Collaborating with Local Businesses and Entrepreneurs

  • Networking with local companies and entrepreneurs can lead to corporate wellness programs, discounted gym memberships for employees, or even cross-promotion opportunities.
  • Many local businesses are looking to invest in their employees’ health, and by positioning yourself as their go-to fitness provider, you can grow your client base while offering a valuable service to companies in your area.

3. Tapping into Municipal and Community Networks

  • Don’t overlook the power of building relationships with your local municipality or community organizations. This can open doors to public health initiatives, sponsorships, or even becoming the go-to gym for community events.
  • Connecting with local leaders or decision-makers can also provide access to programs that help promote fitness within your city, providing free exposure for your gym.

4. Joining Industry-Specific Groups

  • By joining fitness-related LinkedIn groups or engaging with other gym owners, trainers, or fitness experts, you stay updated on the latest trends and strategies.
  • You can share ideas, discuss challenges, and collaborate on events or campaigns, keeping your gym relevant and innovative.


Now that you’ve got all the tools to crush it on LinkedIn, it’s time to put in the work.

Building a strong LinkedIn presence isn’t going to happen overnight, but if you stay consistent, engage with your audience, and offer value through your posts, you’ll start seeing the results.

Whether it’s new clients, partnerships, or just expanding your network – LinkedIn can be a game-changer for your gym. So, don’t just sit on this information.

Take action, apply what you’ve learned, and watch your LinkedIn presence grow.

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Melanie Verbueken

Melanie Verbueken is a specialist in the fitness industry. She literally grew up in a gym and knows what it's like to manage a gym and everything that entails. With her own fitness marketing agency, she works for and with various fitness companies. She shares her knowledge and experience in the field of entrepreneurship, innovations and marketing in the fitness industry with us.