Are Fitness Clubs Around The World Opening Up Again?

Jan 7, 2022 - clock icon 5 min
When will gyms open after the pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has forced gyms and studios around the world to close their doors. And even though many countries have since reopened their fitness industry, the rise in cases caused by new strains for COVID leaves the future uncertain.

During the ongoing pandemic, fitness professionals and business owners have moved their offering online in order to adjust to what appears to be the ‘new normal’.

It’s a confusing and difficult time for us all to navigate, but in particular, those working in the fitness industry are left wondering “when will gyms and fitness clubs reopen?

The answer is varied. There are vast differences from country to country, state to state and in some places it will even depend on the type of gym or studio you own.

The good news is that gyms are reopening again, all over the world. It’s true that life won’t be completely the same for a while, and when clubs reopen t hey’ll have to quickly implement new safety measures to ensure they limit the spread of the virus.

However, the industry will start to find its feet again soon, and clubs, studios and gyms can start to bring in the same levels of revenue once again.

This article outlines the status of fitness club reopening policies in all of the US states and European countries. Plus we look at how to use technology to open back up and support your business through restrictions and closures.

Why Technology Is Crucial for Reopening

The landscape of the fitness industry transformed practically overnight - and as we move into a post-pandemic world, the way that consumers approach their exercise and wellness regimes has changed for good too.

Before the pandemic, technology was a useful addition to your fitness business. It helped you manage your bookings, scheduling and payments and enabled you to spend more time with clients.

But today, the technology you use should do all that and more. As your members become more and more used to working out with live-streaming, virtual trainers and in-app progress tracking, you should ensure that your online offering is on par with your real-life fitness programs. These are essential steps to take to ensure your business succeeds when gyms reopen after lockdown.

Recent research undertaken by Virtuagym found that while the vast majority of fitness professionals are offering online classes and workout options, more than half of them surveyed are unsure how to monetize and market their new digital fitness plans.

Rather than simply uploading classes to social media and giving them out for free, consider how you could use software to give your business model a boost . By utilizing Virtuagym’s software you can provide your members with a complete, holistic wellness experience.

The app, branded to your personal business, gives members access to in-app training programs, exercise and nutrition tracking, fitness challenges, live-streaming workouts and a library of more than 5000 3D workouts with an animated virtual trainer .

When Will Gyms Reopen?

So, when does the gym actually open back up? Across the US, local governments have made varying decisions about whether or not they want to open the fitness industry back up in their area. In Europe, the situation is just as varied.

It’s also worth noting that those countries that have opened gyms again may revert back to closure. Beijing has again closed gyms and fitness centers after noticing a resurgence of the virus when lockdown measures were relaxed.

  • So, When Will Gyms Reopen in the US?

Gyms are open in the US, however, they might be subject to state or county restrictions. For example, proof of vaccination is required for entering a gym in New York City.

  • When Will Gyms Reopen in Europe?

In Europe, gym reopening dates continue to be a mixed bag. In the Netherlands, gyms are closed until at least January 14th, 2022, while in Germany it’s tied to the situation per region.

By far, most European countries have open gyms, albeit with limitations. 2G or 3G rulings are enforced in on most of the continent, thus requiring an EU COVID pass  or other form of vaccination passport for entry.

  • When Does the Gym Open Back Up in The UK?

In the United Kingdom, gyms are still currently open in England. However, gyms and leisure centers in Scotland are closed from December 27th 2021. In Wales gyms are open, but have restrictions concerning social distancing . Finally, in Northern Ireland indoor sports are permitted, but the use of changeling rooms and shower facilities is discouraged to minimize changes of infection.

How Virtuagym Can Transform Your Business When Gyms Reopen After COVID

There is a lot of uncertainty about gym reopening times and whether clubs will in fact stay open for good once they finally are allowed to invite members back in.

As such, it’s important to align your business offering and message with the changing needs of the people you provide a service to.

The new PRO+ program from Virtuagym combines the real-life experience of training clients and members inside a facility with all of the digital training solutions their members need, such as livestreaming classes, virtual training, nutrition and workout tracking and a virtual community to share their results with.

This new offering allows members to remain a part of the club community and support their local gym throughout the difficult period currently faced.

Members continue to pay their club at a discounted rate, and in exchange receive a hybrid wellness solution combining real-life and virtual experiences that cater to all of their health, fitness and wellness needs.

Virtuagym does all the heavy lifting and can also provide business owners with fully integrated online billing. The system helps clubs boost retention with AI-driven coaching and push reactivation and will be crucial to ensuring your business thrives when gyms reopen.

*Virtuagym is not an official source of governmental regulations and cannot be held liable for any consequential damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials in this site.

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Mariló Hernandez

Senior Digital Marketing Specialist

As a Senior Digital Marketing Specialist at Virtuagym and a sports lover, she combines her passion for fitness and marketing to stay on top of industry trends. With a love for technology and a strong business background, she creates strategies and content that help fitness companies thrive in a competitive market.